Corporate Governance


Al Aman investment views the robust Corporate Governance practices integral to its strategy and business philosophy. Al Aman investment is committed to the principles of leading governance practices and strives to comply with such practices. The Corporate Governance framework at Al Aman investment is based on an effective Board oversight and the constitution of Board and Management Committees to oversee critical areas of Al Aman investment operations.


The Board of Directors is committed to the ongoing enhancements in Al Aman investment Corporate Governance for the benefit of all stakeholders. This provides direction for Al Aman investment and its subsidiaries, which structure their respective governance frameworks according to Group standards.


Furthermore, this framework enables the Board of Al Aman investment to balance its responsibility of oversight with their role as providers of strategic direction, thereby achieving a proper balance between conformance and performance. In creating the Corporate Governance framework, the Board is committed to applying accepted governance principles in a practical way.


Al Aman investment values form the framework against which behavior, practices and activities are measured and characteristics of good governance are assessed. Al Aman investment values always require Directors and employees to conduct themselves with integrity and display moral strength and behavior that promote trust.


Good Corporate Governance is contained in Al Aman investment values, culture, processes, functions and organizational structure. The firm’s culture is based on a written Corporate Governance Policy, whereas the governance structure is designed to formalize the oversight of key businesses and processes. These structures are refined on an ongoing basis.